Web Developer by Passion
Iām a web developer by passion working on PHP and JS full stack applications across domains like trading, adverstisement, automobile and exciting startups.
Working on various exciting over these past months starting from PoC to converting it to a full-fledged investor ready applications by adding more features. Domains like financial trading and the IoT based applications helped me to learn advanced technologies and improve domain knowledge on different verticals in web and mobile.
Professional work experiences across domains like Automobile, Advertising and NGO applications. Learned and worked on high traffic web application blogs and its optimisations, with more analytics tool integrations like Adobe Omniture, Site Catalyst and A/B testing tools such as Optimizely.
Experiences include CMS websites built on top of WordPress, Joomla and OpenCart. With these, a few custom web applications made for local customers to make their business automate to some form.
Foundation of software engineering principles, development lifecyles and its methods and programming concepts.
Looking out for a part time and/or free time regular or startup projects to work with
Percentage of projects are being scrum practice.
Years of Experience
Awards Won